Expanded Visitation Clarified

Sometimes parents (and even attorneys) have had confusion when talking about an “expanded” standard possession order.  This option is found in Texas Family Code Section 153.317(a).

Before the change, a parent could choose to EITHER pick up the child from school on their 1/3/5 weekends OR drop the child off at school at the end of the 1/3/5 weekends.   This was also true for that mid-week Thursday night possession.

This was commonly interpreted (with no real decent basis) to include an AND.  So the misinterpretation would mean a parent could pick up from school and then, after the weekend, drop their child back off at school.

Now it’s been cleared up.  The pick up AND drop off option is specifically stated as a choice for both the weekends and for that Thursday night possession.  Now parents can decide to 1) pick up the child from school, 2) drop off the child at school, or 3) both.